
Deconstructing the Query Letter

Writing a query letter is tough, but at the same time, it's an essential skill a writer who wishes to get an agent must master. I've received a lot of requests from writers wondering how to write a query letter. So I put together some of my tips and thoughts into this...

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Lists, Resolutions, & Action!

Every year, I make goals. I found this old post here where my goal was to finish GILDED. It’s crazy to think at that time I had no idea that book would someday go on to be published and hit #4 of all books on Amazon and #1 in the YA category. I’ve found creating...

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5 Ways to Stay Motivated for NaNoWriMonth

NaNoWriMonth is one of my favorite months of the year because I know that I’m not alone in writing. There are thousands of people just like me hacking away at their computers, desperately trying to piece together a story. But the thing is, writing is HARD. And writing...

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The Author’s Voice

I have a new video for all of you writers out there! This one features the author's voice. I could literally talk all day about voice. This video features thoughts on voice and some quick tips to hone your author voice to create a story that is uniquely you! I also...

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Read Or Write Anywhere!

Summer is about to begin! But just because it's summer doesn't mean we should stop reading and writing. The YA Chicks— ViviBarnes, Christina Farley, and Amy Christine Parker—along with guest co-creators Lucienne Diver, Peggy Jackson, and Tara Gallina , are excited to...

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Quick & Easy Tips for Writers

I don't know about you, but sometimes I find myself overwhelmed with all the ways I can make my writing better. So I teamed up with four other YA authors-- Lori M Lee, Maureen McGowan, Karen Akins, and Mary Crockett-- to share quick and easy writing tips with you....

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