
Deconstructing the Query Letter

Writing a query letter is tough, but at the same time, it's an essential skill a writer who wishes to get an agent must master. I've received a lot of requests from writers wondering how to write a query letter. So I put together some of my tips and thoughts into this...

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News and Happenings of GILDED!

There has been so much going on with GILDED lately that I wanted to give you an update on all the cool stuff happening. By the way, don't you love that header? It's so cool! It was designed by Amber over at Me, My Shelf and I for my Facebook page. You can see how it...

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Tips and Strategies for Line Edits

Photo Credit: The Romantic Editor Before I get started, if you’re trying to decide which idea to write next, check out this post I wrote over at the MiGs on how to develop your ideas. I’ve been doing a series on the editorial process of what happens to a book after...

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Finding Success

 What makes us successful in life and how do we achieve the dreams we wish to acquire? Here are some thoughts I had: 1. Visualize what you want and then make a plan of action on how to achieve it. Often we have this vison of what we want for our careers, but I think...

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Writing the Twitter Pitch

Lately the buzz word for pitches has become the Twitter Pitch. You may see agents asking for Twitter Pitches in contest or hey, on Twitter! So what is this? Basically, it's where you sum up the essence of your novel in 140 characters or 2o words. What are the benefits...

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At the MiGs- After the Book Deal

Over at the MiGs, I wrote a post called After the Book Deal- The First 3 Months, which will end up being a series on things you can do after you get your book deal. The whole process can be daunting and you might wonder, where do I begin? Hopefully this series, After...

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