FAIRY TALE ROAD was picked as a Velly’s Finalist Winner!
I’ve never written anything so fast before or so complicated (There were multiple versions of the same storyline going on, ya’ll!). This idea of a choose-your-own-adventure for adults was a wild one but my friends, Amy Parker and Vivi Barnes, were so encouraging and told me to go for it!
This summer was a bit of a blur, but despite losing sleep and drinking too much coffee, I had so much fun writing this rom-com with a touch of magic. It was like I was taking a summer trip to Germany with you all, and I loved every moment.
To make it to the semi-finalist round, the judges picked the stories with the most follows, likes, and faves, and that’s where you all stepped it up and were there for me. Wow. I’m so grateful to you for your encouragement and support of this story. You kept me writing and I love you all!
At the semi-finalist stage, the stories were judged on:
Originality & Creativity
Characters & Plot
Writing Style
Reader Engagement
For this stage, I am deeply grateful to my crit partners, Janice Hardy and Sarah Koehler. These ladies are pros when it comes to the craft of writing (literally). How lucky am I to call them my crit partners?
Since Vella was also judging us on well-edited stories, I’m incredibly thankful to Sarah Ward Books who agreed to my crazy idea of sending her small chunks of the story each week to edit. She is an amazing editor/copyeditor, and I highly recommend her.
I’m incredibly grate to my husband for reading early versions of this story and providing feedback. He could’ve been an editor in a different life. Plus, he was so supportive along the way.
Many of you know that Kindle Vella changed my life. It brought me to meet new writers and readers, many of you who are reading this. And it gave me a really fun outlet to interact with readers in ways I never had before or even thought possible.
What a journey. Thank you for coming along and joining me. If you haven’t followed the story yet, you can go here and read the first 10 episodes for free!