
Revolutionize Your Reading Celebration

I’m thrilled to have Jennifer Drone here today to share how she revolutionized the mindset of her school from the idea that reading is a requirement to reading is a celebration. Jennifer has the stats to prove it. The first year she began the Sunshine State...

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BRAZEN Synopsis and Giveaway Winner!

I'm so excited! Today is the first day of summer vacation for my boys and we are going to have a blast reading and writing and swimming. Heading to the beach is definitely in the plans! What are your plans this summer? Check out our book stack to start off our summer....

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My New Website Giveaway!

I'm so excited about my new website. This beautiful site was designed by Denise from Biondo Studios. I really had no idea what I wanted for a site so I told her I wanted it to be unique, have gold tones, and have a fantasy feel. I think she pulled all those elements...

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Epic Book Deal Contest!

This weekend has been overwhelming. I've been blown away by the well-wishes on Facebook and Twitter, the emails and blog posts. It's moments like these that all the years of late-night writing, tears over rejections and fighting self-doubt become worth it. I'm so...

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