It's finally here! The cover for BRAZEN! Guys, this cover is my favorite of the three books in the Gilded series, which is saying something because I adore all of my covers. Go check the cover out on YA Books Central and tell me what you think! And while there, enter...
Revision Tips for Writers
Hey guys! I'm super excited to offer another writing tip video for you! This one is super fun because while at LibCon 2015, I asked four published authors to share with you their tips for revision. The authors are: Lori Goldstein, Trisha Leaver, Lynne Matson, and Jeff...
The Night I Said Yes
To celebrate the release of Lauren Gibaldi’s debut YA book, THE NIGHT WE SAID YES, I'm sharing about a night where I said YES. So here's my story that began as a nightmare, but turned into a fairytale. It was Valentine's Day weekend and I had flown up to Georgia to...
Read Or Write Anywhere!
Summer is about to begin! But just because it's summer doesn't mean we should stop reading and writing. The YA Chicks— ViviBarnes, Christina Farley, and Amy Christine Parker—along with guest co-creators Lucienne Diver, Peggy Jackson, and Tara Gallina , are excited to...
Quick & Easy Tips for Writers
I don't know about you, but sometimes I find myself overwhelmed with all the ways I can make my writing better. So I teamed up with four other YA authors-- Lori M Lee, Maureen McGowan, Karen Akins, and Mary Crockett-- to share quick and easy writing tips with you....
Spring 2015 YA Scavenger Hunt + Giveaway!
Welcome to the YA Scavenger Hunt! Hey guys! I’m Christina Farley, your hostess for this leg of the hunt. I wrote the GILDED series, contemporary fantasies about a Korean-American girl with a black belt and a deadly proclivity with steel-tipped arrows who discovers an...
Korea Tour Recap
For the last two weeks I had the honor to travel to Korea and tour 6 international schools! The schools were: Seoul International School,...
Spring YA Scavenger Hunt!
I’m so excited to be a part of the Spring YA Scavenger Hunt! There are eight outstanding teams this season. I am going to be a part of #TeamRed! The Scavenger Hunt runs from April 2nd through April 5th beginning and ending at noon Pacific time on those days. If...
Riverdale Literary Festival
Last week I was honored to attend the Riverdale Literary Festival at Riverdale High School. Let me tell you, this school is passionate and pumped about reading. Nearly every door in the school was decorated with themes from the books that were highlighted at the...
On the Road This February
This past month has been a blast visiting schools and festivals! Here is a quick summary of pictures showcasing this month. Such great memories! Coastal Magic Con Celebration Middle School- I got to visit this class after they did a novel study on GILDED! Cypress...