Hey guys! I’m Christina Farley, your hostess for this leg of the hunt. I wrote the GILDED series, contemporary fantasies about a Korean-American girl with a black belt and a deadly proclivity with steel-tipped arrows who discovers an ancient Korean demigod has been kidnapping the first-born daughters of her family for generations. And she’s next. The third book in the series, BRAZEN, releases September 29, 2015!
On this hunt, you not only get access to exclusive content from each author, you also get a clue for the hunt. Add up the clues, and you can enter for our prize–one lucky winner will receive one signed book from each author on the hunt in my team- that’s a ton of books! Plus, at the end of this post, I’m giving away the sequel to GILDED, SILVERN, as well as signed posters of both books!
Go to the YA Scavenger Hunt page to find out all about the hunt. There are EIGHT contests going on simultaneously, and you can enter one or all! I am a part of the RED TEAM –but there is also a blue team, a gold team, a purple team, an orange team, a red team, and a pink team for a chance to win a whole different set of signed books!
If you’d like to find out more about the hunt, see links to all the authors participating, and see the full list of prizes up for grabs, go to the YA Scavenger Hunt page.
Leigh is also a founder of QuantumFairyTales.com and is currently serving a life sentence there as senior editor and gnome driver. She loves all things sparkly and strange that go bump in the night.
Lady Marguerite lives a life most 17th century French girls can only dream of: money, designer dresses, suitors and a secure future. Except she suspects she may be falling for her best friend Claude, a common smithie in the family’s steam forge. When Claude leaves for New France in search of a better life, Marguerite decides to follow him and test her suspicions of love. But the trip proves more harrowing than she had anticipated, revealing secrets and testing her strength as well as her heart. Love, adventure and restitution await her in Canada, but only if she can survive the voyage.
“The writing is solid and the world-building – that clever combination of historical detail and Ms. Statham’s imagination – is excellent.” ~The Australia Times Books
This book sounds awesome! Now for….
Top Five Ways to Ruin Your Dress in a Steampunk Novel
5. Dance with a smithie
Known for their extremely large muscles and soul piercing eyes, smithies can be alluring, but also quite hazardous. Especially to the finest cloth from Paris. Their physique is largely due to all the time they spend working at the forge over smoldering fires with heavy tools. This also lends a general air of dirt and grime which can be hard to scrub out. Even when the boy wants to impress you, and will try his hardest, his hands will most likely still be black from gear oil and will leave incriminating evidence on your gown. Best to steer clear altogether.
4. Follow someone into a cellar
There can be many hidden wonders in a cellar. There can also be many creepy traps. Anyone you don’t know very, very well who wants you to follow them into a cellar probably isn’t worried about you ruining your dress. Plus, cobwebs, ew. Be very cautious.
3. Run away from home
It’s generally best to run away from home in the middle of the night by cover of dark. This will prevent supervising adults from catching you and grounding you for all time and eternity or forcing you into a hasty marriage to an undesirable count. However, to avoid said count, you must also not bring a lamp, as strange lamps in the wilderness in the middle of the night tend to draw attention to themselves and give old ladies heart attacks. This will leave you stumbling around in the dark as your only option. If the way is clear, you will most likely run for fear of being caught, and you will also, most likely, fall and ruin your dress. If the way is under cover of bush and tree, you will then most likely catch your gown on said shrubberies and tear it anyway.
2. Get shot at
Guns have a very bad habit of leaving holes in things. Even if the said firearm does not kill you, but grazes your arm, it will make a nasty hole in your garment, thus leaving you bleeding and in a bad mood. This could also leave you with nothing suitable to wear to the next party without a fitting. Quite inconvenient.
1. 86 the sucker
Gowns, although elegant and quite flattering to the female figure, can also get in the way of many necessary opportunities (see above). It is therefore advised that you wad your gowns up and toss them in the rubbish heap. Dump them. Burn them. Chuck them in the channel, feed them to the fowl, generally destroy them in any way that seems fitting to your situation. This will, undoubtedly leave you with a ruined dress, should you decide you need one after all. But we are certain after trying a nice pair of aviation trousers, you will never go back to the frothy, frilly ways of maidenhood again.
And don’t forget to enter the contest for a chance to win a ton of signed books by me, Christina Farley, and more! To enter, you need to know that my favorite number is 7.
This is my first time joining in but I’m enjoying finding new reads & authors.
I am also finding a bunch of new authors with books that I may not have heard about so quickly.
i love to discover new authors and deleted scenes or bonus content from the book i loved
thank you a lot for your own giveaway too
I like finding the new authors. As a book reviewer I honestly have not heard of a majority of these authors, so any new books I learn about I can add to my never ending TBR pile. Thank you for the chance.
I love the exclusive content! LOL! I must read her book!
I love finding new gems to read and finding out about the authors that are behind them:)
I love discovering new books I have not seen or heard of before! All that bonus content is a bonus, of course 😉
My favorite part is seeing so many authors supporting and promoting each other! It’s great.
All the bonus material! 😀
And also finding new authors and books to read 🙂 My wishlist grows so much during the YA hunt xD
I love discovering new books!
My favorite part of the scavenger hunt is all the bonus material and finding more authors to love!
Thanks for the giveaway!
This is my first time participating and I am loving finding out about new books that I should add to my TBR
I like learning about all these new YA books that are out or coming out.
Exclusive content & the giveaways!
The best part of the scavenger hunt is discovering new authors and getting to read exclusive content from the authors I know.
I love the exclusive content and finding books that I normally wouldn’t have found. 🙂 Plus the thrill of MAYBE winning a bunch of books is awesome!
My favorite part is finding new books to read. There is always a handful that I haven’t heard of and end up falling in love with.
Getting to find out about new authors and its fun searching for all the numbers.
Thank you for the giveaway! Your books sound amazing.
I have two favourite things: finding new books but also I’m curious to see what kind of websites/blogs authors have! Colours, fonts, images, whole layout.
Finding new authors and new books by authors I have already read and all of the exclusive content we get and pretty much everything!
Thank you for the giveaway and participating in YASH!
The bonus contents! 😛
So excited for the YASH! I love learning about new books. And of course, having the chance to win them!
I’m excited about learning of new authors and new books from old favorites!! The game is fun also!!
My favorite part of YASH is definitely finding new books to add to my TBR list.
My favorite part is finding new authors! !
I love YASH! I love finding new authors and new books to read!!
The amazing authors participating.LOVE how awesome they all are. <3
My favorite part is reading different book excerpts and discovering new authors! My TBR pile is increasing everytime I join YASH–and I love it! ♥
I love finding new authors.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite part… I’d have to say is learning about all the new books that I may not have learned about otherwise!
My favorite part is to get to know so many great new authors and books!
I got to discover new authors and books! Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂
Thanks for participating in the YASH and for the giveaway!
I love discovering new authors and books!
New authors of course! And I do get to know more about them for example, one of them is a amazon breakthrough novel award quaterfinalist 🙂
my favorite part is getting to know new authors and read excerpts from books i’ve never heard about before
Lovely! more to add in my TBR list! 🙂
Kind of like an Easter Egg hunt for adults ;D I’ll play this weekend 😀 Hope you have a happy one 😀
I love all the special content!
I have really enjoyed finding all the new authors and their books and the opportunity to win these great reads.
Judy Cox
I am a “signed-book” junky! I can admit I have a problem! haha But seriously … I collect books signed by authors. I travel around to various book events and meet new authors and get their books. The Scavenger Hunt brings this opportunity to my house. It is an amazing idea!!!
I love being introduced to a whole new list of books to put on my reading list!
Hmm… Well, this is my first time doing the scavenger hunt, and I like that I now have more books and authors to add to my TBR list! 🙂
I like discovering new books to read! Good luck to you all!! 🙂
I really enjoy seeing all the covers and finding out about new books :3
I like finding the author’s favorite number (it can be a bit challenging), meeting authors, discovering new books and reading the extras! Thank you for the giveaway.
finding new authors
My fav. part is discovering new books to read – I just love reading! ^_^
I love discovering new books and storylines!
I love discovering new authors and books. My TBR list just keeps growing!
Finding new authors I haven’t heard of before.
Megan @ reading away the days
To find new authors & books and to compete with my best friend to see who has the numbers first 😉
I like finding all the new authors and then looking for the numbers. I don’t know why I like looking for the numbers I just do.
I love finding new books to read and being introduced to all of these new authors.
What I find fantastic about this is that, while discovering new authors to try out, I’m also getting more of a sense of their personalities. If I like the author as a person (and I usually do, I’ve only had a few cases where I decided to not buy any of their books…long story), I want to support them. Supporting them means buying more goodies so they’ll keep writing! I also love that, looking at just the giveaway part, this is a much more engaging way to go for raffle entries. It’s not the mindless clicking that a lot of the giveaways turn into. I like that it kind of forces you to pay attention, you know?
I absolutely love the bonus material from Leigh Statham. It’s got that hint of sarcasm and ‘duh’ to it that makes me laugh. Not quite snarky, but it approaches it 😀
And, I wanted to tell you how fascinating your series sounds! I have book 1 apparently (It’s on a shelf in goodreads for my Amazon books) and need to read it. Love stories incorporating mythology, especially when it’s from a culture that I’ve not heard much about. We studied Greek and Roman mythology in school, but never Korean. It’ll be fascinating getting that exposure! Thanks for using it instead of the more common mythologies!
Finding new and favorite author book content.
I love finding new books and new authors to squeee over. Great post! Thanks for participating in the YASH! xo
Finding new books for my list.
Finding different books I might want to read.
Finding awesome books and authors
I love the excerpts and music playlist. I always fan girl that a author love the same song as me, haha. It’s super fun.
my favorite part is finding new books and authors
My favorite part is finding so many new books to add to my TBR pile. 😉
My favorite part of this is being able to find so many new authors and blogs I hadn’t known about before – as well as a ton of books to add to my TBR pile!
Finding really cool stuff about book with awesome reviews of those by my favorite authors
My favorite thing is getting to be introduced to new authors and new stories. And you for participating. It’s wonderful to meet you. I look forward to reading your stories.
My favourite thing about YASH is the super exclusive content that I get to read about books that I have wanted forever!
I love all of the exclusive content!
My fave part? Books!
My favourite part was finding new, interesting books to read. I love finding new books to read and authors to be introduced to!
Finding new books to read!
My favorite part of the YASH is getting to know new authors and books! Of course, the giveaways, too. 🙂
I love communicating with other readers and authors. and the prizes!!!!
My favorite part of the YASH is finding exclusive content of my favorite authors and finding out about other authors that I may not know.
I love going to all the different blogs and seeing the different way authors hid numbers! I also love discovering more about other books!
I love finding new books to read and also getting bonus content from books I have read!
The best part of this YA Scavenger Hunt is exploring sooo many different blogs and sites for these unique writers. I have so far added 20 plus books to my to-read list of YA books. This is so fun!