
My New Serialize Novel

I have exciting news! I’m embarking on my first serialized storytelling adventure with Amazon’s Kindle Vella. The book is called THE DREAM HEIST, a YA thriller. Kindle Vella is a brand new program Amazon is launching where readers can subscribe to books and read each...

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Drawer Novels

Do you have a novel that you wrote long ago and put it away, but now wonder if its worth revisiting? In this video, I share my thoughts, tips and personal experience based off of my drawer novel (THE PRINCESS AND THE PAGE) that got published by Scholastic Press.

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The Inspiration for The Princess and the Page

I've had requests asking for me to share what inspired me to write THE PRINCESS AND THE PAGE. So on my YouTube channel, I'm sharing about what inspired the book and where the concept came from. Ideas are everywhere! Sometimes they come in the most unexpected places....

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Tips for Fast Drafting

Are you looking to fast draft your manuscript? Or perhaps you're participating in NaNoWriMonth? I am! Or at least a version of NaNo as I'm in the middle of revisions too. If you are drafting, buddy up with me here and we can fast draft together! I've created a video...

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Find Your Next Read

I'm thrilled to share with you a collaboration video I created with twenty-seven of my middle grade author friends. If you are looking for a fun laugh and a new book to read then check out our First Lines video. We had a blast creating this video and sharing the first...

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Insider Peek on Literacy YouTuber MrsReadForFun

When I came across MrsReadForFun's YouTube channel, I fell in love with her videos highlighting various books for kids. I chatted with her about her channel. I thought you'd love to hear her insider peek on how she runs her channel. What inspired you to create your...

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YA Scavenger Hunt- Win Big!

Hello, friends! I’m Christina Farley, your hostess for this leg of the hunt. I wrote the GILDED series, contemporary fantasies about a Korean-American girl with a black belt and a deadly proclivity with steel-tipped arrows who discovers an ancient Korean demigod has...

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