As a book fanatic, I fell in love with Jennifer Bertman’s Book Scavenger series. Reading, hunting and discovering clues in books? Sign me up! That’s why I love Jennifer’s creation of the Book Scavenger Book Swap. This hunt can be done in a classroom or even as a schoolwide project. It’s an incredible way to get kids excited about reading and books.
Book Scavenger Book Swap
How to Hunt:
After reading the novel as a class or as a read-aloud, prepare for a scavenger hunt book swap with these easy steps:
1. Have students bring in a paperback book they’d like to trade. (If the scavenging is to include the outdoors, consider using zipped plastic bags to keep out moisture.) Students should write the title on a sticky note.
2. Hide books around the classroom (students can do so one at a time as they come in from lunch or recess while the other students read silently in the hallway with independent books and wait their turn).
3. Create codes and ciphers using examples from Book Scavenger and The Unbreakable Code for ideas/as mentor texts, and add to the sticky note with the book title.
4. Put all the codes on a bulletin board for kids to choose.
5. Have fun deciphering the codes and finding fresh reading material!
6. Watch out! Kids will likely want to play again and again.
Check out her full teacher guide here and check out for more book fun. Follow Jennifer on Twitter here.
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