
SCBWI NY and the MiGs

One of the best parts of going to conferences is meeting up with writing friends. Two years ago, my online crit group, The MiG Writers committed to each other that we'd all go to the SCBWI conference together. And we did! Above you'll see a picture of all the MiG...

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Winner of Prophecy!

PROPHECY by Ellen Oh has hit the shelves and it's time now to announce the winner of the hardcover I'm giving away!The winner is Ruth Schiffermann!Ruth, please email your address to farley dot christinaL at gmail dot com

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

First of all, thank you to everyone who supported the Publishing Hearts for Connecticut. They were able to raise $5,500 for those families and victims of the Sandy Hook incident. It really showed that there is hope and goodness in the hearts of people.Check out my...

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The Challenges of the Publishing Journey

Today I'm vlogging over at The Lucky 13s. This week we are discussing what the hardest part of the publishing journey has been for us so far. When I sat down to talk about it, I realized there is no "easy" involved. Just lots of hard. But one part isn't necessarily...

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Winner of Sanctum

I am happy to announce the winner of Sanctum by Sarah Fine is Medeia Sharif! Congrats! Email me your address at farley dot christinal at gmail.

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Winner! And Stuff

It's been a while since I've posted. I've been very busy lately. You know, eating turkey, consuming heaps of birthday cake and writing, writing, writing. It's been a great month and I'm so excited about December because it's just one month away from 2013, my debut...

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Prepping to Write a Novel

NaNo is underway and I've been plugging away at my next novel. If you're mildly interested, I've started storyboarding it over here on Pinterest. I'm so hooked on Pinterest with having pictures relating to my novels. They're great visuals for me to use as I'm writing...

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NaNo Starts Today!

I'm doing NaNo this year. I know. Crazy idea. I will be sleep deprived. I will be haunting Starbucks. But I'm determined to get most, if not nearly all, of this writing project I'm working on finished. Any of you doing NaNo? If you are, sending luck your way!

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The day has come to announce the winners of my EPIC book deal contest. First of all, thank you to everyone who tweeted, blogged and Facebooked the contest. You guys are so amazing. If I could give you a hug I would. Thanks to Rafflecopter, it tallied up the totals and...

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