NaNo is underway and I’ve been plugging away at my next novel. If you’re mildly interested, I’ve started storyboarding it over here on Pinterest. I’m so hooked on Pinterest with having pictures relating to my novels. They’re great visuals for me to use as I’m writing and adding details to the settings.
One of the things that’s helped me write my first drafts quickly is prepping for my novel. I do a lot of my research in advance. This book, just like Gilded, required lots of research to make sure my details were correct.
I also plot out my novels in detail and imagine the story in my head so I know what feel I want the novel to have.
If you’re getting ready to prep for your next novel, check out my vlog for ideas:
Um, I LOVE these ideas. I keep a separate journal for all of my WiPs, and I (of course) always have chocolate on hand to reward myself, but I never thought of a scented candle! What a perfect way to bring you right into the mood of the book. Thanks so much for the idea!
I’m glad you found it helpful! Your ideas sound great.
Oooo, love the Pinterest storyboard. What a great idea. I’m still resisting Pinterest. I’m afraid I could get lost forever there.
Good luck with NaNo!
Great idea to keep a journal… I have spiral notebooks filled with poetry and picture books, but never dreamed of having a specific one for my mg’s. Excellent tip!
I’m creating a journal for my new book. Nice to know I have such great company! I may have to think about a candle. I’m writing a historical so music is tough. Thanks for the ideas!
Oh, I also set up a bookmarks folder on my web browser. It’s getting very full!
Kate- I can’t wait to read this book. I love historicals. So awesome. You should look for the soundtracks of movies that are set in the same time period as your novel.
I use Scrivener, which allows me to make colleges. Plus, I don’t have to worry about copyright issues. 😀
Like you, Christina, I like do a lot of research in advance. It’s essential for my novels, until I want to do massive rewrites.
Stina- I keep telling myself to use Scrivener but then I sit at the computer and just write. Maybe my next book. 🙂
I keep a separate “Bible” for each book, too, but yours are prettier than mine. 🙂