First of all, thank you to everyone who supported the Publishing Hearts for Connecticut. They were able to raise $5,500 for those families and victims of the Sandy Hook incident. It really showed that there is hope and goodness in the hearts of people.
Check out my blog post over at the MiG’s on what to ask if you get that agent call.
I will be taking a short break from blogging to enjoy the holidays (and get some writing projects finished too!).
And then it’s 2013!!!! I’m super excited about this year because this is my pub year!
This time of year can be extremely busy and hectic but I’m hoping you’ll find peace and joy through it all.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Peace and Joy to you and yours too 😀
Happy Holidays to you too Christina 😀 And best of luck in the new year as your pub year! That must be such an exciting thought.