Month: March 2019

Evolving Language with Jen Malone

Today I'm excited to have Jen Malone, author of numerous books for young readers and teens, here with a fun writing activity inspired by her latest release, The Art of the Swap. This activity looks at how language evolves and what it means to students. After all,...

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Tying Emotions to the Senses with Elle Cosimano

Edgar Award finalist, Elle Cosimano, author of the Nearly Gone duology, Holding Smoke, The Suffering Tree, and upcoming When We Wake is sharing a writing exercise today. Elle is the master of incorporating emotions in her writing. Because 50% of human communication is...

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Using #KidsNeedMentors & FlipGrid to Inspire Students

I've been having a blast this year teaming up with Angela Johnson from Southport Middle School through #KidsNeedMentors. It's been an amazing experience for both of us in that we're able to work together to motivate and get students excited about reading and writing....

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