Kindle Vella

Choose Your Own Fairy Tale Ending!

Do you remember those Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books? I loved them because I always wondered what if the character chose a different path. Now as a novelist, I thought it would be so much fun to write one of those.. but for adults! So I created one for you called...

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Kindle Vella Workshop

VELLA: Pinterest - 2 Kindle Vella has been a big part of my life over the past year and a half. I joined the program when it first started with THE DREAM HEIST, which hit #3 of all stories on Kindle Vella and stayed in the top 25 for over a year! My agent then went on...

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Readers! What is Kindle Vella?

As you may know, I published my first ever serial on Kindle Vella called THE DREAM HEIST. This is a science fiction thriller that will take you on adventure across the world with Aria and her Dream Walker team. Currently, I'm writing Season 2, releasing an episode...

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The Trinity Effect

I'm excited to share with all my writers out there a new video with some writing tips. You have been asking for more writing-related videos so this year I'm hoping to bring more of those out each month. Today I'm sharing with you the three elements you need to make...

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Happy October!

Get Lit Book Festival October is here! And so is hot cider, sweet donuts, and great books to curl up with as the cold begins to seep around us. October has been a great month. I'm so excited to be presenting at the Get Lit Book Festival this Saturday, helping to raise...

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The Dream Heist’s Book Trailer

I'm so excited to share with you the book trailer for THE DREAM HEIST! I made this one myself as a homage to the characters in the story. I'm hoping it captivates the mood, tone, and feel so you all can see it visually. I hope you love it and the story!

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You Did It!

Thank you all so much for your support of THE DREAM HEIST, my new serialized novel on Kindle Vella. Just like you did with my other novels, you skyrocketed the book to hit #11 of all Kindle Vellas and hit numerous category Top Favs. I am blown away! WAYS YOU CAN...

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My New Serialize Novel

I have exciting news! I’m embarking on my first serialized storytelling adventure with Amazon’s Kindle Vella. The book is called THE DREAM HEIST, a YA thriller. Kindle Vella is a brand new program Amazon is launching where readers can subscribe to books and read each...

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