
Choose Your Own Fairy Tale Ending!

Do you remember those Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books? I loved them because I always wondered what if the character chose a different path. Now as a novelist, I thought it would be so much fun to write one of those.. but for adults! So I created one for you called...

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Kirkus Says Get the Book!

We are absolutely thrilled to get an incredible Kirkus review! Kirkus says The Thief of Time is, "The story is written with a light comic touch, and the unique voices and perspectives of the three central characters distinguish the novel from recent titles in the same...

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The Unboxing of The Thief of Time

Amy Christine Parker, Vivi Barnes, and I got together to do an unboxing THE THIEF OF TIME to prep for our book launch party. Check it out! Get the book! Amazon Barnes and Noble Bookshop Apple Books-a-Million  

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The Proof Copy for The Thief of Time

The proof copy of THE THIEF OF TIME arrived! It felt amazing to actually hold it in my hands. It's a real book, ya'll! I made a video so you can see the beautiful artwork that Brandon Dorman created and the layout. The book releases in 8 days, and I am just so excited...

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Goodreads Giveaway for The Thief of Time

Have you added The Thief of Time to your Goodreads list? If not, this is a great time to do so because there is a giveaway for the book to win one of 100 eBook copies! Sapientia! Goodreads Book Giveaway The Thief of Time by Vivi Barnes Giveaway ends May 02, 2024. See...

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Book Launch Party

You are all invited to the Book Launch Party of The Thief of Time! There will be a talk, giveaways, book cake, photos, and autographed books available. It's going to be such a blast. The Facebook page is located here. You do not need to RSVP to come. We hope you come...

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2024 is here!

I'm so excited about all that is in store for 2024! Check out this video where I tell you what I'm up to on my projects. There are a few more that I can't talk to you about just yet, but I'm hoping to be able to do so soon!

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It’s the Release Day for The Dream Hunt!

Today is the day! The Dream Hunt, book 2 in the Dreamscape series, is ready for you to read! I'm so excited for you to dive into this adventurous and thrilling book. When my family visited Peru, I was transported by the beauty, history, and people of this stunning...

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