While I was in Germany last summer, my family and I traveled mostly by train. I remember looking out the window as our train pulled into Munich station. I was amazed at how the tracks all merged into this one giant station. My writing brain couldn’t help but think how those train tracks were a lot like plot lines.
So while everyone else got off the train and headed to their destination, I coaxed my poor husband in filming me talk about plot lines. Yes, my husband puts up with a lot due to my writing obsession.
This was actually filmed last summer. I’m finally finding the time to post it! What do you think? Are train tracks like plot lines?
Well, I say you made a wonderful connection!
Great analogy, Christina.
A great thought!
Trains… Plotlines… LIFE’s many threads.
Thanks everyone!
Kudos to your husband for being a great guy! My husband would die of embarrassment if I asked him to shoot a video in a public place. =)
Yes! He’s a keeper.
Love Bish’s comment 😀 and what a clever way to make it all come together ;D
Yes, this totally works!