Editorial letter

Tips and Strategies for Line Edits

Photo Credit: The Romantic Editor Before I get started, if you’re trying to decide which idea to write next, check out this post I wrote over at the MiGs on how to develop your ideas. I’ve been doing a series on the editorial process of what happens to a book after...

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Deconstructing the Editorial Letter

I'm doing a series of blog posts chatting about the publishing process. Today, I want to share how I tackled my editorial letter. As I mentioned here in this post, editorial letters are all different in some way, but essentially they have the writer revamping core...

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The Editorial Letter Explained

Photo credit: Bing Ramos (Creative Commons) Many of my friends and co-workers have been asking me why is it taking so long for my book to come out. Why does it take over a year to hit the shelves? Why can't we just buy it now!?! There are actually a lot of reasons for...

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