I am so pleased to announce that a portion of all my earnings for GILDED will be donated to the Dongdaewon project. The last school I taught at, and the one which also inspired so many events in GILDED, Seoul Foreign School, raises money every year in a Unity in Action cause. The funds raised allow for the Eugene Bell Foundation to buy medicine for TB patients in North Korea.
While I taught at SFS, I was able to help raise money and be a part of the events. Now that GILDED will be coming out with Skyscape, I have the means to make an even bigger difference by giving a portion of my profits to this cause. There was something so thrilling about writing that check and mailing it off to Seoul.
I’m hoping to bring more news to you as the years progress about the benefits of the Unity in Action cause. For now, I encourage you to visit the blog here that goes into more details in the process.
Note: all pictures were taken from Unity in Action
This is so generous of you. I must share it with the tweetverse.
I’m really excited about the possibilites.