It’s that time of the year guys- National Novel Writers Month! The goal is to write 50k in one month. Sounds pretty crazy. Well, it is crazy. There’s no doubt about that. That’s why it’s a challenge and definitely not for the weak and weary. *grin*
I like to participate each year. I never get 50k written. I teach full time and work a seasonal job as well. Plus I happen to be a mom! So yeah, 50k is tough. But I do try to write 30k. It’s a very doable goal. It means I must write 1k a day. Sometimes I write more a day and sometimes I don’t write at all (like on my birthday and Thanksgiving).
I’ve written a number of books during NaNo including GILDED. There’s something motivating knowing there are thousands of others typing away at their stories with you.
But writing a novel is more than just sitting down at your computer. If you’ve been reading my blog a while, you know that the magic behind writing a book is actually the REVISION process.
1. Click here for a video of tips that I use to prep for NaNo.
2. I also use a plot grid to guide me. Think of it as a road map. Detours are totally allowed.
3. I don’t edit while I fast draft. I just listen to my characters, dive into my world and WRITE. The book will be a WRECK. Some sentences won’t make sense. There will be plot holes and unbelievable characters.
But. Afterwards, I reemerge into the real world and I realize that I’ve written a book! This is what my friends and family tell me:
It’s a starting point. And I’m always amazed how it’s actually a lot better than I think it will be. And that’s kind of crazy and wild and awesome.
How about you? Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year?
I might do it, but I’m not signing up for it. I have two books on deadline, so it depends on what get finished this week. I do, though, have outline ready for newest WIP, and either way I’ll be starting the first draft next month. It’s just a question of when I can start and how long will take for revisions after betas have seen other book.
Good for you for having an outline! Deadlines are no fun though. Good luck on your books though. You’ll have to keep me updated on how it goes.
This will be my first NaNo since 2009! I’m so excited! I’ll definitely be writing with a story plan… I can’t get ANYTHING done without one.
Yay! That is exciting. Good luck!
I fell off the Nano wagon after I became a mom. I was 5mo pregnant when I did my last Nanowrimo. lol
Now I find Campnano to be a better match for my life style. Thanks for the tips. 🙂
I want to join this year having done it in 2012, but I need to finish rewriting my WIP. Great tips that will help any writer win NaNoWriMo.
Good luck. I’ve always wanted to do NaNo, but I’m always in the middle of something. I want to stop making excuses and do it one day.