The day has arrived for the release of SILVERN! It’s now available in hardcover, paperback, e-book, and audio! I’m so excited for you guys to read this sequel and delve deeper into Jae’s and the world of the Guardians of Shinshi. This morning when I walked out into the kitchen, look what was waiting for me? A surprise from my husband! So sweet.
Then I checked my messages to find this awesome picture sent from Joe Frazier who runs an informative and interesting blog called Joe’s Geek Fest. This picture was on his Kindle this morning. Swoon!
I have so many feelings today as my second book releases. But the biggest emotion I’m feeling is thankfulness.
Today, I’m also unlocking the secret pages of the Gilded Series website! Now everyone can click on all of the pages of the site. You’ll find more information on the Guardians of Shinshi, a character and art gallery related to the books, games, videos, and deleted scenes from the books. It was a lot of fun making this site and I hope you enjoy it!
This book would not be here if it wasn’t for all the people in my life who made it possible. If you look in my acknowledgments, you’ll find all of these people mentioned there. But I have to do a quick shout out again on my blog to the team who made this dream of mine a reality.
A big thank you to my editor, Miriam Juskowicz, who is incredibly talented and insightful. The Gilded series would not be here without her belief in Jae’s story.
I’m also thankful for my agent, Jeff Ourvan, who is incredibly patient and encouraging.
To the whole Skyscape team who is always supportive of my books, especially Timoney (who I think is actually Super Girl in disguise). They are rock stars and I couldn’t have been luckier than ending up being a Skyscape author. They desire chocolate and massages every day of the week.
This whole process has also shown me how kind and supportive of a team my crit partners have been- Beth Revis, Casey McCormick, Debbie Ridpath Ohi, Andrea Mack, Kate Fall, Susan Laidlaw, and Carmella VanVleet. They put up with my crazy, bizarre emails and frantic calls for critiques.
Big hugs to the Skyscape girls: Jessie Humphries, Lori Lee and Meredith McCardle for helping me keep my sanity. And also to Amy Parker and Vivi Barnes, my roadside warriors.
Of course if it weren’t for my family and their constant support, I would’ve given up writing a long time ago, believing in the doubts and insecurities that haunt me. Instead are always there reminding me to follow my dreams and never give up.
And finally to all of you who have taken the time and energy to read my books. It’s because of you guys that I write and I’m so grateful for you!
Congrats, Christina! So excited for you! And your husband is a sweetie to help you celebrate.