GILDED will be touring around the blogsphere over the next few weeks. I hope you’ll take the time to stop by and chat with each of the tour hosts and say hit. And while you’re touring, maybe you can learn a little about Korea and GILDED!
I’ll be giving away 10 Korean silk swag bags full of GILDED and Korean goodies. To sweeten the deal, my so-very-incredible publisher, Skyscape, is giving away, not one, but TWO, Kindle Paperwhites!!!!!!
I know. My mind is completely blown, too. Big thanks to Elana Johnson who set the whole tour up and made this happen!
Here’s the line up. Aren’t these bloggers AMAZING?
March 3rd
Le&ndra Wallace– Interview
Seeing at Night– Review
March 4th
The Eater of Books!- Review
Reader Girls– Korean Food Tour + Review
March 6th
Me, My Shelf and I- 25 Things About Me
March 7th- Feeling Fictional
March 10th- Manga Maniac Cafe
March 18th- YA Guy– Review
I have to admit when I saw the list of the places GILDED was visiting I was so excited because these bloggers are not only creative, but they have excellent content. Looking forward to ‘seeing’ you at all these stops!