Hello friends!!!! I hope you all had an incredible summer. I sure did! Lots of beach time and fun with family and friends.
I wanted to share with you my video clip from my signing at ILA. If I met you there, it was so great meeting you! Remember, if you are a teacher or librarian, I offer free 20 min Skype visits. Plus fill out the form on my teacher page here and I’ll send you bookmarks to your class.
Watch my ILA video below or here:
I’ve been keeping busy with writing and I even participated in Camp NaNoWriMonth, which was a great way to keep me on track during the fun summer months. Here’s (or below) a fun video I made about finding inspiration when I’m writing. What about you? What crazy stuff do you do to get inspired?
I was thrilled to participate in the Podcast with Kristen Flowers on 96.5 KOIT San Francisco about how every writing project has it’s own time and journey, how I got my agent plus school visits!
This September, I’ll be leading an SCBWI Boot Camp with the fabulous Vivi Barnes. Here’s the information and click HERE to register:
118 W. 5th Avenue
Windermere, FL 34786