I’m super pumped about teaming up with Writer’s Atelier to teach another class with them. This one is called Master Your Marketing.
What does this class have to offer? Four weeks of targeted marketing to meet an author’s needs. The fun part is that attendees can take all four weeks or just one week depending what their marketing needs are.
As I was putting together this course, I was thinking about how much I could have benefited from all of this as a debut author! Over the years as I launched a YA trilogy and am now launching a middle grade, I’ve been wanting to help other authors. So… I’m excited to share with you that I’m:
How to enter? Choose which week you would like to win and then fill out the Rafflecopter below.
Week 1- Branding
During this week, participants will study successful author brands, consider what a brand is, and the purpose for a brand. Participants will explore and develop their brand as an author. The end goal is to come away with a brand that represents you visually and in content.
Class will cover:
- Developing your brand
- Creating logos
- Creating business cards
- Creating your author taglines
- Merging that brand into all areas of the author’s persona
Week 2- Social Media
During this week participants will study the different social media out there and learn how to make it effective for their brand. The end goal is to build anticipation and excitement for your books and gain an active social community.
Class will cover:
- An overview of social media networks, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and blogging
- How to set up your accounts
- How to utilize your accounts effectively and choose which outlets meet your needs
- Determining which content to post and where
Week 3- Events
There is so much that authors can do whether it’s bookstore events, school visits, festivals or conferences. What should you do? How can you break into those areas? The end result is for you to have a year plan on which events you wish to attend, and proposals put into place.
Class will cover:
- Conferences- how to apply, which ones to attend
- Festivals- how to apply, which ones to attend
- School visits- information packets, flyers, videos, posters
- Bookstore events- how to make these most effective
Week 4- Promotion
Promotion can be a black hole where an author feels they are losing money rather than investing it wisely. The end result for this week is to study various promotions and their effectiveness and then choose the areas which will fit your book best.
Class will cover these topics and their effectiveness:
- Places to promote
- Swag
- Advertisement
- Newsletter
- Targeting your market
- Blog tours